
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hikaru~ :]

After last night, is it any wonder that I feel like shit again?

I swear, I've just come to the conclusion that the Dark Hour just... makes you feel terrible. The two instances I've been in it, I feel, well, terrible.

Luckily for me, today was a school day, so I had to go when I could hardly walk straight. You know that was fun, I mean, because I love crashing into lockers when I just want to get to homeroom. 

Class was no different. Sure, I wasn't walking around, but if anything happened today, I surely don't remember any of it. I'm pretty sure I slept almost entirely through the class period... and because it's a Wednesday (lovely), I technically should have gone to Student Council today. Well, I really wasn't going to deal with any of that.  So I started to leave, right?

And then Odagiri-san pops up, literally, out of nowhere! I'm not even sure where he came from, but he came up and asked me if I needed any help. From you? No. From anyone? Hah, no. Seriously? I mean... at the time I thought I could just walk home myself. Or at least get to the train. So I tell him he's surely busy and has better things to do, but he insists. Still, I try to go without him.

That doesn't work out, so I just tell him to take me only as far as the gates, which he does, and so... that was awkward. I thank him and try to get on my way, but then Hikaru-kun comes out of nowhere with a girl I guess he goes to school with (really, where is everyone freaking coming from?) named Rumiko. Who is apparently Maemi-chan's niece? Small world.

Buuut I digress. All that still bothers me. He... met my family. I mean, just my brother, but... isn't that weird? Maybe I'm just weird, but... fuck. I don't really want him in my business, much less knowing my life, because, really, why should he be so special? :c

I guess this makes a good thing that Mom and Dad don't really visit me, huh?

...Oh well. At least Hikaru walked with me~ <3

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