
Monday, June 8, 2009

Operation Rescue-Ghost-Girl, GO

Hey all, it's been a while, hasn't it? Miss me? Oh, I know you did. You don't even have to tell me~ x]

Jokes aside, the past week has been pretty weird, if anything. Takeba-san got worked up over some ghost story and so her, Minato-san, Akemi-san, and Iori-san all went to investigate one night after doing all this research business about it... I don't even know. Gekkoukan is, like, the school of rumors. So they went around asking people about this stuff.

So we're on a mission to Tartarus tonight. In fact, the reasons for our going are to save some girl named Fuuka Yamagishi, who somehow got shoved into Tartarus one night and has been there ever since. It seemed to be some ghost story gone wrong, as indicated by Takeba-san and her little ghostbusting possy, but I have no idea how she got in there or how we'd find her or where the hell she would even be in that giant tower.

Even with all that up in the air, what if that girl isn't even alive anymore? We could be risking our lives for nothing. Hell, I've only been to Tartarus once, and I hate the place. It's exhausting and brutal. It's been said about a million times over, so I really don't need to go there again with how much I don't like it, but...

And now, everyone seems all tense because of this mission. I mean, sure, I've always heard that funky stuff happens on these missions (with Tartarus, how does weird shit NOT happen?), but... it's nothing to be scared of, right? It's making me a liiittle bit nervous. I know I'm not the only one, of course, and I'm not at all terrified to go or anything. It's just not a pleasant idea!

Otherwise, nothing's happening right now. I was able to smuggle my laptop into school and get on it, though, so... I'm just sitting around in the classroom with it after Akihiko, Maemi-chan and I got done with lunch. Kirijo-san mentioned meeting up in the Student Council room after school today, too, because I totally love going in that room of all places.

...fff, wait, it's a Monday, isn't it? Awesome.

That means there's an actual meeting, but, uh, I guess Kirijo-san delayed it for this thing? Because Operation Rescue-Ghost-Girl is serious business, so much so that it's going to be in the Student Council Room. Holy hell, my mind is blown!

Not only that, but I can only imagine the questions we're going to get, especially since Odagiri-san is trying to be all buddy-buddy, and has been since he walked me home about a week or more ago. He's being far too nice to someone like me. It's... annoying.

Eh, anyway. The bell just rang. Wish me luck tonight~

...i'll need it.

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