
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Full Moons and FRIENDSHIP. YES. [My God, that sounds fruity].

Well. That was awesome. :|

Ever since the full moon, everything's been messed up. These two huge Shadows burst into Tartarus and attacked Kirijo-san, Takeba-san, and I pretty much as soon as they got there. Being her senpai, both Kirijo-san and I protected Takeba from any harm, well, considering she was the who had to heal us all...
But because of that, my shoulders are bruised like hell. One of the Shadows looked like a huge soldier, and he, it, whatever, pressed down on my shoulders until I swear it wanted them to crack. The only reason they didn't, probably, was Takeba-san's healing.

Then, after all that, Kirijo-san jumped in front of both of us to protect us, which scares me. These things could kill her. And, well, they almost did... Even now, she's suffering from bruised lungs, and is having trouble with her everyday business. Her doctor, one that Ikutsuki-san got to come to the dorm to check on Kirijo-san while she was injured, kept trying to keep her confined to her bed, but that clearly didn't work so well.
Honestly, though, most of that night is a blur. Turns out ghost girl -- er, Fuuka -- has a Persona, too, so she ended up taking a support role during the whole fight, and something happened with Minato-san and Takeba-san, but I... really don't recall. He was pissed, though! Holy hell.

...Ugh... my shoulders hurt. :'[

Oh. And then today. :] Student Council. Again! YAYYYY.

I bitched out some people, most of them left, Kirijo-san bitched at anyone left, near passed out, so Minato-san walked her home. Leaving me and Odagiri-san together. ...Alone. That's pretty much it, in a nice little nutshell.

Hasn't it been established how weird it is to be with this guy? A guy who helps you all the time, who cares about you when you thought people just couldn't care anymore? Like... sure, my dormmates care, but none of them really offered to help me walk home. This guy does. Why? I have no fucking clue. It's not even a big deal, right? But like...! I take every little thing so seriously. Am I just over-thinking it?

A big part of me regrets today, really. I was worried about Kirijo-san, and I still am, I mean... geez... because that whole thing seems like my fault. I just couldn't do anything at all. But... all in all, because of that, I was scared. I needed to talk to someone. Odagiri-san was there, so he heard it all.

Honestly? I really don't like myself. I seem so cocky and shit, don't I? So confident in myself? But no. I'm a good actress and liar. I can act like I like you, I hate you, you're my best friend or my worst enemy. Whatever works to my advantage, right? Somewhere inside, I feel like Odagiri-san sensed that from me, or saw through me. Over the past few weeks, he kept saying things that suited me to a 'T'. How people lie and backstab for their own self-preservation, and will walk all over other people if it's to their advantage. It fit me so well, so I wondered... if he knows all that, why doesn't he hate me?

I don't even hate him. It's pretty damn obvious I tried, only to fail. To be quite honest, I like him. He's a nice guy. Too nice, like I've said, but... I appreciate it. Hell, it's not like anyone else is such a... er... gentleman.

...I mean, I'm just saying.

That aside, he... walked me home again after. It seems like this is happening a lot more lately, and it's, um, something I think I'm slowly coming to accept...?  I pushed people away for so long that... it feels nice to have a friend again. Kind of. So I guess I won't try to understand his wanting to befriend me, or why I inspire him just because I seem to be such a natural with kids (whut. doesn't he babysit?), because... I honestly wouldn't know where to begin with all that.

I'm... not scared of this or anything, though. It's just weird! Guys usually want nothing from you but sex and/or sandwiches... >_>;;, nevermind! Bai bai~

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