
Thursday, June 18, 2009

You're kidding me, right?

Dude, I'm so damn pissed. For a while now, things have been verging on okay. Despite the usual ridiculousness, things have been relatively normal as far as SEES goes. SEES isn't quite normal, you see.

But damn it all if this should happen to her! I swear if I ever see that douchebag again, I'll beat the shit out of him just like Akihiko did! I don't even care. I'm so mad. So, just... excuse me for a onneeee second, please. :]

You do not call a girl your property! She is not under your control, and she is not your slave! You do not take advantage of a girl just because you can! You think that's cool? You think it gives you something to brag about? 'Lolol I totally almost scored with this chick even though she didn't want it awyeah!'? No? Then shut the fuck up! I can't tolerate that! And I swear, if I ever see that kid's face again, I will break it so hard it won't even be recognizable, and let's see him get a girl then! Asshole.


You better hope you don't see me, Kaito.

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