
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Would you like another kick in the pants, Hatakeda-san?

...This blog is really bipolar, isn't it?

I know I've been delayed, but I feel so, so much better today than I have for the past couple of weeks! Sure, there's a ton of gossip going around about me and Maemi, ever since what happened with that kid. And Akihiko giving Kaito a nice punch in the face probably didn't help much in that regard, either, no matter how awesome that was.

Still, I feel pretty damn good about myself! For once, it feels like I've finally let go of someone who had this really big hold over me. Because, honestly, I've never really told anyone, but I have this one ex-boyfriend named Riichi. He's on the boxing team. We went out two years ago. A lot of things happened between us, and we broke up about two and a half months later. Fun stuff, relationships.

But anyway, I happened to see him again today. To give a bit of background, it looks like Maemi and I are the local sluts of Gekkoukan High School. A nice title, really. :| So I've had a few guys come up to me since the beginning of last week, asking for favors. ._. It's not the best feeling in the world, but people are still looking at me, you know?

Riichi did the same thing today, and I so hope I got him back. x3 Did it feel good to give that dickhead a theoretical kick to the nuts so hard it might have made him cry? Oh, hell yeah! It was wonderful. It really gave me that thought that my life is going right, despite all the uncertainties lately, with SC and all. I'm becoming... more and more certain that I'm making the right decisions. He's out of my life for good, and he doesn't hold that power over me like he used to. Because, really, I felt like, for once, one of those badass girls in the movies who never really thinks they're worth standing up for, but they do one day -- be it for themselves or whatever, Idc -- and then they feel like total awesomeness about it for the rest of the day. Yeah, that's me right now.

...Though, you know, speaking of all this... it's just kinda-sorta occurred to me that Maemi-chan hasn't been at school since yesterday. She wasn't there today, either, and I haven't seen her around the dorm this evening or last.

Things are really getting weird. The gossip just seems to get worse and worse. It's probably not a big deal, just teen drama business, and I'm not really worried, per se. ...Just came to mind. I wonder what's up.

' Sigh ' Oh well. I shouldn't kill my public-humiliation-satisfaction high! :] So I'm off to see my little friend Azami today. I started to see her on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I probably shouldn't disappoint. I'm starting to look forward to seeing her nowadays. <3

Bai everyone~

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