
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Somehow, I'm surrounded by...

Death. o_O Or maybe near-death is more fitting.

I don't even know what the hell happened. Most of this week was pretty inactive anyway, aside from the obvious awkwardness that is Student Council, taking pictures of random stuff (yeah, people call me a creeper because of it, but I'm not, damn it!), and surfing the internet. I seem to hermit on this computer a lot, really. I just noticed that... Huh.

Anyway! I was just in my room again today and heard Kirijo-san, of all people, flipping her shit. And you know that when Kirijo-san is flipping her shit, that, not to sound redundant, shit is going down. So I come downstairs and it seems Minato-san is dying.

Yeah, I said wtf too.

For some reason, he was lying on the ground, unable to breathe. Of course, at the time, I was pretty scared, too. I'm still shaking a little, but, like, what the hell? I didn't even know what happened. Akihiko wasn't a help, even though I called him, so Akemi-san and Takeba-san ended up being the people to help. And Minato-san was choking on some white ball of... something. I couldn't even tell.

Like, maybe that could be classified as sushi, but I don't even like the idea of calling that shit food. Let's hope that death trap was thrown away by now. Then, hughugkisskiss, Minato-san and Takeba-san had a nice little moment. Aww.

Oh, and then we figured out that Fuuka made that "sushi." Remind me to stay at least 4 feet away from anything she cooks to avoid dying prematurely. That'd be nice.

I kinda like living. Even if my world is fucked up.

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