
Monday, May 25, 2009

...A menace, huh?

Isn't it amazing how you try to avoid something and you still get stuck in it anyway? For example, SEES was like that for a few days. Granted, Iori-san still kinda avoids me, but Akihiko wouldn't get off my ass until he got me to consider joining.

Well, Student Council is one of those things, too. Freaking Hidetoshi Odagiri is one of those people.

There I was, walking down the hall, about to skip Council again, when I heard something from the other end of the hallway. I had just come down the stairs from the third floor and neared the door, but I heard Odagiri-san's arguing, something that had come to grate on my nerves, with some other boy I had only seen once. Miyagi-san, I heard.

But something seemed off. Sure, Odagiri-san kinda... came off as, well... I don't know, but er, he just didn't deserve to be punched in the face. So I told Minato-san, who took care of that nicely by pretty much kicking that guy's ass.

Respect for Minato-san = +5

Sure, I could have possibly done it myself, but I couldn't get punched in the face. Too bad I would regret thinking that later when both Minato-san and I walked up to him. It took a rather blunt statement from Minato to strike it in Odagiri-san that he was going way too damn far with this accusing thing. That senior who just ran off with a bloody nose? Uhhhh, yeah, accused of smoking.

Random kids in the hallways? Accused of smoking. Random douchebags in Student Council? Also accused. Minato-san and I...? Never accused. I'll never understand why. Not that I want to be labeled a druggie or anything, but what makes me so damn special?

I remember Odagiri-san saying something about people... lying and backstabbing to get what they wanted, how those people were, ah, what did he say...? "Menaces to society"? That shocked me, really. I never understood how lying to keep yourself safe could be wrong. Self-preservation and survival are wrong? I'm just some... terror on society? Ohp, well, you better be careful, society. I'm comin', terrorizing the world with my terrible LIES AND DECEIT AND SELFISHNESS.

...Hatred for self = +10

Ugh, all that aside, I... I don't get it. Hearing something like that before, like from Akihiko, had the most minor effect on me, other than really pissing me off. But then Odagiri-san says it. I don't even like him! So... why is it that, just sitting in my room writing this, I feel like I want to cry?

I suppose I never realized how terrible I sounded from another perspective. But... hey, I don't really care. Let me be terrible. I'd choose that over someone getting attached to me any day.

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