
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tests = Death

I'm just going to say it right out; I am tired. Not that that's anything new, right?

It's been a while since I wrote a post, though, so I thought I'd indulge my worried readers. :]!

I moved in to the SEES dorm last week. It wasn't really anything special. I just moved in with some help from Kirijo-san in making the arrangements for my room, along with Akemi-chan and Takeba-san who offered to help me put things up. But my choice of a move-in date was pretty bad, because mid-terms were that entire week and Kirijo-san wouldn't get off our asses about them. I was pretty much forced to study, and I... don't really like to study. Sure, I'll do it, but I never really had to at my old schools, so I never made it a habit. Time is also a problem now, with school, Student Council (which I still really don't want to go to all that much), and work most nights, what time do I have to study? That little period I have when I get home is time I take in either cooking or taking pictures or something. I sure as hell enjoy it a lot more. Studying is like taking a knife to my brain and probing it in there multiple times.

Can you tell I really don't like studying? Yeah. I hope you can feel my powerful dislike. Here, have some vibes~

On the bright side, it seems I convinced Maemi and Akihiko to finally sit together at lunch with me at the same time. That was nice, considering how awkward those two were around each other whenever I saw them, so I figured I'd be so kind as to help! Aren't I a good matchmaker?

I moved in freaking recently, too, and I could probably name all the future pairings in this dorm right now:
  1. Akihiko and Maemi-chan are totally going to get together in a few months once they decide to finally get over themselves.
  2. Minato-san and Takeba-san are a guaranteed couple. I don't have to say more than that.
  3. Iori and Akemi-san, too.
It's going to happen. I bet you money.

Anyway, my current goal is to get the first pair to speak two or three words to one another. That'll be a breakthrough as far as they're concerned. Not much else to say, either, other than I'm sure I'm acting a little funny because of how exhausted I am from moving in and then following that up with exams. :| But hey, it's over now, at least. Now I'm just wondering about this Tartarus place everyone keeps talking about, because honestly? That place sounds like hell on Earth. As if the Dark Hour wasn't fucked up enough, apparently the school transforms into some giant tower of nonsense with clocks and crazy shit all over it. Oh, and more blood. Yayyy. I'm so EXCITED to go running around inside with a flimsy school uniform on and get epic pwned~

...Fml. -__-

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