
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

As if my life wasn't already dysfunctional...

It gets even. Fucking. Weirder.

I mean, it's not like anything interesting really happens to me anymore. So, when something does, it's pretty serious. And something's gotta be pretty serious to be Sadako-worthy. Know what I'm saying?

So I'm in my dorm, minding my own business, right? Well, I go downstairs to get something to drink and I keep seeing something moving outside. I have no clue what it is so, being smart, I go and look outside. And, duh, it's dark. I can't see anything except some moving figure before I realized something -- it's a kid. A kid I know. A kid who shouldn't be out on the streets at night when he knows his father hates me. :]

Yeah, so my brother was out there.

I have to admit. I was pretty scared, seeing Hikaru-kun running around close to midnight. Who does he think he is, anyway? ...Ah, who am I kidding. I love the kid too much. Part of me was really happy to see him, even if it was dangerous...

He rushed towards me then and gives me a hug and a box that he tells me not to open until midnight comes. ...I was really surprised, to be honest (yeahthatdoesn'thappenveryoften), because he remembered my birthday. That was the first time for a long time that anyone bothered to remember it. So... hah, I started crying a little. Sorry ototo-chan. Probably didn't want to see your "cool big sis" melt down like that. Anyway, I'm kinda straying from the point.

He asks me to walk with him. Sad to say... I knew Dad would hate me for it, but I went anyway... but only because Hikaru begged me! I really need to get better at resisting that look. So we left the dorm and walked around the strip mall a tad, before stopping on a bench around there, where Hikaru makes me open the box a few minutes before midnight comes. He got me this charm bracelet, and it's gorgeous, and I love it to death...

And then he says Akihiko helped him get it and I can't stop laughing. Really, Akihiko? Sparkly things? I'm not forgetting this. EVER. ;]

The weirdest thing happened a few minutes later. By weird, I mean really fucking weird. Like... nightmarish weird, because everything turned green and bloody and the moon grew to about ten times its usual size. Not to MENTION, Hikaru wasn't really even there anymore. Like... He was a coffin. A. Coffin.

I freaked out. Some guy comes over and tells me that this is all because of some awesome power I have, but if this is what it makes me see, I'm not sure I want it. Seeing Hikaru disappear like that... I... don't think I'd ever been so effing terrified. Just... that doesn't happen.

This kid, Junpei he said he was, was so calm about all this, too. Making superhero references, and then topping it all off by... taking a gun from his waist and asking me to join this group called SEES. However, if you know anything about me (though chances are you don't), you'd know I hate those things. They scare me to death. Why? Yeah, I'm not even going into that...

So I told him no! Why would I join some organization with these guns? Even if they aren't real, y'know, just... what the hell? Don't pull a gun on me, you jackass. That's why I slapped you in the face.

I couldn't go home until Hikaru woke up, though. I pretty much clung to his coffin (wtf I wish this wasn't what actually happened) until he came back, confused, and I took him home before going home myself, holding onto the charm bracelet he gave me the whole time as if it was my life.

Now I see why I really didn't want that kid running around at night.

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