
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy. Effing. Birthday. :|

Same day as that craziness before. Oh and, uh, still my birthday.

If you didn't notice by the last post, I was up until 2 in the morning last night. I couldn't get that whole... "Dark Hour" business out of my head. So even though I said I was going to sleep, I ended up staying up for hours after.

Now, because of that, I feel like I'm coming down with something. I got next to no sleep because I couldn't stop seeing all this blood and gore and coffins in my head, which are like the best images for helping you sleep, y'know, and it had been very cold that night for a girl in shorts and a t-shirt.

...It's what I sleep in. Don't judge!

So going to school today wasn't quite... the best idea. I felt terrible, and it was my birthday, so I conked out in class and did next to nothing interesting. After school, too, I just went straight home. Like there was even a point in attending Student Council, es-pecially after what happened last week. Anyone who thinks I'm going back after that insanity is fooling themselves. I'm not going to willfully hurt myself just to solve some cigarette incident. I'd rather keep myself somewhat sane than kill myself by... I guess, subjecting myself to that mental torture...

I don't care if it's wrong, either! I can only take so much.

...I feel so cold. >< Stupid illness.

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