
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ffs, Student Council

Well, um... Today wasn't the best day in the world.

You know, normally, I would start with some kinda snappy one-liner or something, but... I just can't manage that today. For the first time I feel almost genuinely scared. Not because anything has been really life-threatening or anything, but because somehow this school year has brought back more memories in almost two months than the other three combined managed to.

Today was another Student Council day, seeing as the rest of the week was generally pretty slow and inactive. I just... I didn't even have to walk through the doors to realize how much tension there was between everyone. Between Odagiri-san and the rest of the group especially. They argued and screamed over something so little, something I soon found to be that Odagiri-san received the help of a teacher with the cigarette incident without the President's permission or... or something. I hardly remember... I'm still shaking a little right now. It's hell to type...

You know how I thought it was going well? Well, this told me that it really wasn't.

The argument made me both angry and sad. I walked in, a very stupid move on my part, only to find Fushimi-san cowering away from the arguing. Still, she told me what happened, even when I had heard it through the door before, so I reprimanded the screaming and yelling as pointless. Because it was! Why did they have to scream over something that seemed so small?!

Not that my getting into it did anything. I think all it did was get myself involved in the damned argument, which was the last thing I wanted to do. Because you know what happens when you get involved?

Yeah, people blame you for shit. They assume things, like that I was taking Odagiri-san's side in the whole shpeal. WHICH, by the way, I was not.

I don't take sides in arguments. It only gets people pissed at you. And then Arisato-san enters the room in his casual way and deals with everything so damn well, feeding the fire and making them even more mad. ...And while amusing, it wasn't helping my case.

When it all comes down to it, I'm apparently a suck-up who can't come up with her ideas and stick to her own beliefs. And you know what? Fuck you guys! Everyone in this place, seriously, just proves me right. People are out to get you.

Even Odagiri-san, getting me stuck in this shit. Yeah. You better be sorry...

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