
Saturday, May 16, 2009


There's nothing better on a Saturday afternoon when you just want to go home than being ambushed by a guy you hardly know, who then tells you to join the organization you already slapped another guy for asking you to join.

Nothing. I mean, that is just the highlight of my day, but I guess I should be grateful Akihiko didn't pull a gun on me like Junpei did. I still can't forget all of that, either.

I still think that the conversation would have been much more interesting if Akihiko just confessed that he liked Maemi already. Everyone knows it. Just come out with it! Be a man!

But no. He took me to that persimmon tree by the gyms and asked me to reconsider. I have to say that at least he explained what they do a lot better than Junpei had. Making Akihiko, Kirijo-san, himself, and me out to be superheroes just made no sense. I mean, imagine that! Like Akihiko wearing a cape and standing all valiantly for justice! Hell yeah. ...Snrk.

Clearly I just wasn't taking this conversation seriously at all. He insisted all of this was for a purpose, for the "protection of humanity." Fancy.

Just like Akihiko, too, with his blood knight ideals. How does a group of kids go about saving the entire world anyway? I mean, just because I have some special power means I have to go and risk my life for it? Call me a jerk, but I don't really like that idea. But then he goes and calls me selfish, says that my brother is included in humankind and that I should care more and protect him.

Oh, well, excuse me while I go punch something.

Are you fucking kidding me?! I practically mothered that kid for years! God knows my parents were too busy being at each other's throats to take care of us! Jackass thinks he knows the first thing about me? Right. Yeah, no one does, and I'm tired of people trying to think they do.

Guys piss me off. They think they know everything about you, about what you need. First Odagiri-san and his taking me into an Student Council full of dillholes, to Akihiko and his taking my closeness to Hikaru and throwing it in my face in knowing what would happen. Maaaan, the words fitting for this situation are just not appropriate to be said here. So I'll just think them happily. :]

Either way, if he's going to use my brother against me, guilt me into thinking that if I don't help, something will happen to him... fine. He planted a seed I can't get rid of, so I decided to join SEES today because of it. I just hope I don't regret it or hate myself for it later.

So kudos to you, Akihiko! Way to make a girl hate herself. Well... more than she already did.

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