
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Playground Memories

So if there are a few things I've made routine this year, they would be as follows;

  1. I have made it a habit to always eat with Akihiko for the first half of lunch and with Maemi for the other.
  2. I keep drifting over to the Naganaki Shrine to sit at the playground and watch children play.
Now don't jump up and call me a pedo or something! That's not it. The memories are a little fuzzy, but when I first moved to Iwatodai from Tokyo, Hikaru and I always came to this playground for a few hours. We made some pleasant memories there, and I think I just kept coming back so that I could relive them. I mean... I haven't seen the kid for a few months now. I have to wonder how the little squirt is doing sometimes.

Oh, another reason I come to the shrine? Any reason to get away from my stupid ass dorm mates is good enough for me, considering some of them are the Akihiko fangirls I pick on.

I arrive at the shrine and all was well, but that might have been just because I was all... caught up in my memories and stuff, until I heard a young girl crying. And, just... yeah, I tend to stay away from conflicts like this that might involve emotional... involvement. Don't I choose great words to explain things?

But when it comes to children, I've always been a sucker, so I instantly jump in to this girl's rescue. It turned out that these older kids were picking on this little girl for no reason, really, except to amuse themselves by kicking sand in her face and pushing her down into it. And how fucked up do you have to be to hurt a child like that?! I can't stand it! So of course I'd give them a piece of my mind!

I ended up taking the older girl's phone and calling her mother so she could listen to the argument, because I am just that vindictive. She got herself into the mess, though. It's her fault. I'm only helping her realize it.

When they ran off, the girl ran forward and latched onto my leg so tight that I almost lost my balance. But still. I... can't say I minded. At least she was okay. At least I could get the sand out of her teary eyes, and I could generally help her feel better and not cry anymore. At the time, that was all that mattered to me. ...Which feels strange to say, but it's how I acted with Hikaru when I could still see him everyday, and so that... somehow transferred to this little girl, I guess...

I stayed with her when she begged for me to, and she said I was strong and brave. Funny, considering I'm neither.

Before I know it, then, I hear a familiar voice and sorta... freeze up. Close in like I always do. I look over and see that some guy, Hidetoshi I wanted to say, is coming over to us, which is strange because he always seemed so very... "yeah I'm all business" and all. I'd have never guessed he worked with children.

Still, I couldn't guess why he was there at first until I realized -- and he told me -- that he "cared" for this girl named Sayuri. And by "care," he meant that he was a babysitter. Why he couldn't just come out and say that, I have no idea. Too uncivilized a word, perhaps, Odagiri-san? I swear, the guy's so formal compared to most... I wouldn't call it weird more than I would call it really damn atypical of a high school boy.

He praised me for my helping Sayuri, which honestly wasn't a problem. Talking to this guy kinda was. I mean, seriously, where the fuck did he even come from? One moment I'm turned around and the next he's just right there, running over to us, as if he had been around the corner the entire time!

As if guys didn't creep on me enough, Christ. ...Not that I really think Odagiri-san is that type, but... ugh, just nevermind.

I didn't do much in terms of conversation rather than mutter half-hearted, single syllable if possible, replies. Well, until he mentioned sticking me in Student Council. ...Student Council? I mean... isn't that where Kirijo-san practically lives? She's the President, and clearly Odagiri-san shared this membership. ...Yeah, nothing personal, but I really didn't like the idea of joining.

Not that it was all bad, I guess. I mean, there would be people to talk to, and it would be an excuse to stay out of the dorm for a few more hours? Even Kirijo-san and this guy, I bet, are better company than these chicks I have to live with. Anyone would be better company than these girls. Really. Anyone.

Is it obvious that I hate this place yet?

...Anyway. Odagiri-san stared me straight in the eyes after asking me all this stuff, which kinda manages to unnerve some people. Especially since his eyes are this deep shade of... black. It's really weird to look at, that's all I'm saying!

He left for a little while, saying that he had to get something for Sayuri. He wanted my answer when he got back though.

And when he did get back, you know what I said? No.

No, you don't know what I said. :p

Hah, I ended up accepting. I blame it on wanting reasonable people to talk to because seriously. I'll say it again.
My dorm sucks.

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